...but there was an election over here some days ago. By now you've read everything about it, so I figured you'd be interested in reading some more. 10 day old news. That's how relevant I am.
Everyone was expecting a massive turnout, so lots of people voted ahead of time; many others got up at four in the morning to avoid queues, and ended up queueing with the rest of those qho tried to be smarter than the others. By the time I got off work, the rush was over, and there were camera crews around town...

...reporting on crowds that weren't there:

So where were all the people, you ask? Well, loads of places - cafes, restaurant, fast food joints, etc. - offered freebies on that day to whoever asked for them. Initially, they were going to reward people with "I voted" stickers, but it turned out it would be bribing people to vote, and thus a felony. So the network reporters would have been better off checking the local Ben & Jerry's, for example:

The election itself was over quickly - by 23:00, everyone knew the results, and I got to watch university professors and their friends (yup, I was at one wild election night par-tay) get all misty eyed during Obama's acceptance speech. Then people hit the streets, and everyone rambled around with slightly confused expressions, shooting fireworks and looking like they could not quite believe what had happened.