
You guys in Europe live in the future

Walking around in a daze today. I still have not gotten over the overwhelming feeling this whole thing is fake and/or is happening to someone else entirely. The feeling is compounded by the fact I have spent the last month or so checking out DC on google maps, and I keep wanting to zoom in on my surroundings and scroll them.

The Library is humongous and it's a freaking maze:

Seriously. I only got out today, after registering and meeting the rest of the cubicle warriors, because I thoughfully dropped breadcrumbs on my way from the entrance. Not sure I'll find my way back to my desk tomorrow; the minotaur has probably eaten them all by now.

The cubicle warriors seem cool. We crashed a formal reception at the National Gallery of Art today, and conferred on subjects such as MAs in Life Studies and mysterious shiny pseudo-Spanish foodstuffs.

Also, on my way back from the NGA, I saw these guys, enjoying a special kind of guided tour of the city:

Made my day.


  1. with my sleeping habits and you there we might watch some more presidential debates live :)

  2. Nucular maverick, gosh, darn.
